In our class we watched a video about how to breakdown our
screenplay. We have to use many different colours to highlight, each colour is
for a different setting, e.g. red highlight is for makeup and green highlight
is for props.
For our screenplay, we have used dark blue, green, yellow
and red. That is going to help us when we are filming, because when we want to
film we can easily find the location, props and when to have the make up and on
At the begging we are going to create a shot in Liam’s room.
Followed by the next shot where it will be at Loisa’s room that’s why we
highlighted them with dark blue, because dark blue is used for the location.
Loisa and Liam are highlighted with green because they are the characters. We
highlighted phone, photograph, laptop, picture, house door, Liam’s door,
flowers, card, car and petals of the flowers with yellow because yellow is used
for the props. We highlighted ‘car runs
over him’ with red so we could know that we have to put makeup on Liam at that
What me and my partner had forgotten to highlight is the
sound, there is a sound in our screenplay that is ‘buzz’ or ‘PING’, we were
supposed to use the purple highlight for the sound.
This is the screenplay.
Use this to complete a breakdown sheet - it will help with shot lists and inventories.