For the past couple of weeks we have been working kn filming and re-creating our version of the opening. We had to analysis the actual video, we had to watch it four times. The first time we are not allowed to make any notes, after the first watch, we are allowed to make notes and we will have a bit of time after each time we watch the video to me notes. After we watched for four times we had to make a storyboard related to each shot.
As a group we decided to do an opening that represented a girl in the Middle East, specially from Qatar, because we live in Qatar and we know about this country more than the other Middle Easten countries. The video was called International Students in the Middle East.
After we had finished making our storyboard, we had to choose ten shots and five compulsory opening credits. I never knew that there was compulsory credits and that it had to be in order, that was a new thing to learn and it was helpful.
The first point of view shot was an iPhone. We had to slide the lock screen to unlock it and then there was a picture that was about the production company.
Our production company was called ARALA, because ARALA is an acronym of the first letters of each of the members in the group. We chose an iPhone, because most Qataris have iPhones. The iPhone screen we used for our shot was cracked, because Qataris do not care if anything happens go their phone, because they can always buy a new one.
I was really proud of the team. We managed to bring all the props that we needed in time, and we managed to sort things out as a group. Also, I was proud of the lighting, because it gave the props a really nice effect.
This is an example of how the light gave a different effect to our background.
We struggled with the focus of the camera, because we had small props and it kept focusing on the background. We had to make some of the props bigger to make the focus clearer.
For example, this makeup brush was small for the camera to focus on and it refused to focus on the brush,we had to change it to another bigger prop. Some of the props we could not change through, because we could not find any better prop for the shot. For example we had a shot that was about dates and the dates were small, we could not find anything else to replace the dates.
What surprised me is how long we took to film one shot. Also, the camera video we had to hse a make-shift rig and it shocked me how serious it was. No one was allowed to remove it so we did not lose our angle.
We tested the camera and the focus before we started filming anything.
In future, it will be important to remember to focus the camera, carefully as that was one of the main troubles we faced.
We also have to finish/start filming before time so we could have more time with editing, because editing takes time more than anyone excepts.
Overall, for the future, I should remember to manage my time and to keep my blog updated. Also, I need to keep on taking photos of the process to allow me to document the process clearly. this is our video.