Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Why Our Media Homework Is The Best

Best thing about our media homework is to watch movies. I'm a girl who really enjoys watching movies and do not mind watching movies all day. 

This is the type of movie nights i really love. 
Specially when I have soft drinks, ice-cream, snacks and pizza around me. Come on, who would not love to do that all day? Well... Some girls would not because they think they will get fat. I really don't mind my body shape or my weight, as long as I'm happy and I have food to eat. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Lego Metaphor

For this project, we had to make a Lego piece representing ourselves. I decided to make this one, this would represent me because at the beginning of my medIa course I thought I can get away with it. That's why had a small space before my red block, but as the weeks passed I started to struggle and I saw that there is many directions. The green block is the how I think I will be at the end of the year in media. I'm already improving in media. Hopefully I will reach to the green block. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Double Lesson - Dice

I enjoyed our last double lesson because we learned something new. As a class we decided on the plot of a film. Each student had one die, then we had to choose a number, the numbers were from one to ten. One of the students chose the number one and he/she was the director responsible for choosing the settings and genre of the film. Starting at number two, each student had to roll the die and make the story according to the picutre on it, each part of the story had to make sense and fit the setting and the genre. The following number had continue the story and so on. I learned to use my imagination and stick to the same story to the same story that we started with. I think what we learned in the lesson will help us in the upcoming tasks such as movie making, movie opening and directing. It was difficult to remember the beginning of the story and the genre, maybe in the future and with lots of practice it won't be that hard. I surely enjoyed this lesson and I can't wait to docit again.

These are the dices that we used

Dukhan State Of Mind

For the last two weeks we were watching Jay-Z and Alicia Keys ' music video Empire State Of Mind'.  However after watching the original video multiple times, we analyzed a parody of 'Newport State Of Mind'. It was a new experience as I did not know what a parody was. The parody is a funnier version of a original video. 

Our task was to make a storyboard of our own parody version related to 'Empire State Of Mind' but we had to choose a part of the scene. Our group had three people which are Sublah,Mahmud and myself. We thought of places in Dukhan that was related to the part that we choose from the video. We choose the last thirty seconds. We had to fill at least nine boxes . 
This is our storyboard.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Snapshot After Reediting
I reedited my video. 

I had couple of mistakes in my past video which are, some of my clips was landscape I had to change it to portrait. This will help the audience to watch the video straight without turning their heads. 

I also made a mistake in the texts that I enterd. Some the texts were going into the other clip, it would not let the audience read the texts clearly. I left small spaces between each clip for the text. Now the the audience won't have trouble reading my texts. 


Wednesday, 14 October 2015


We had to make a video about ourselves for 1-2 minutes. We had the choice to be in the video but I used my friends instead. However, there is few videos that i’m in. 
I decided to do this video about what i enjoy to do, what I love and what I do with my friends. 
I made mistakes in this video, but I will reedit the video again.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Visual Presentation

I choose 10 pictures that are not that obvious about myself because I want people to think about who am I and I want to see what impression they have about my presentation. We were told that we are not allowed to be in the pictures and it could be from the internet or taken by us. I took all the pictures from the Internet.